1. My favorite animated film is Big hero 6.
2. Big Hero 6 is my favorite film because the storyline is incredible. The story is funny, yet saddening and plays with the audience’s feelings. The audience is able to connect with the story. For example, the death of the protagonist’s brother Tadashi. I also enjoyed the film because of the superb drawings and vibrant colors. I also love the characters in this film. The personalities of the different characters balance out the whole film.
3. Our teacher’s favorite animated series is Peanuts.
4. On Mr. Farley’s post from January 12th of this year, he stated “I loved Peanuts when I was the age that my children are now. I still enjoy reading the comic strip and watching the animated programs.”
5. Mr. Farley likes the Peanuts series because he visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California, had us research the Peanuts series, and stated that he loved Peanuts the animation on his blog.
6. My best work this year was the last animation. I have learned a lot about the software, so my animation, The Lunny, reflects most of what I have learned this year. My animation has a lot of color and the setting is very detailed.
7. My last animation is called The Lunny. It is about an animal that is part lion and part bunny. At school, he was always made fun of for being different so he stopped going to school. Lonely, sad, and depressed, he died by himself. THE END.
9. I really like the setting of my story. I spent lots of time drawing a detailed setting. I also like the many colors and the personalities of the different characters.
10. Jaeyun Seo aka Stella created my favorite final project in period 6. It is incredibly cute and has an amazing storyline.
11. In the digital classroom, food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom or on the tables. Always be on time and on task. Have your sketchbook every day with you. Be helpful and participated in class and with your group. Problem solve and identify problems.